Modge Podge photo transfer on silk fabric

As a textile artist I am often exploring ways to diversify and methods of reaching a desired look on my work. Occasionally I like to add some text, a few words or a piece of prose I have written. Modge Podge is a medium I came across during my Moroccan Art Escape Holidays with Katherine Soutar Caddick a few years back. I had read a few posts and articles that said it didn’t really work for text. I wasn’t that easily deterred. Continue reading Modge Podge photo transfer on silk fabric

Mermaids Purse

Earlier this year while wandering the beaches nearby, I came across an unusually large number of Mermaids Purses in various colours and shapes, some I had never seen before. These curious flotsam that wash up on the tide are the egg cases of sharks, ray, dogfish and other similar sea beings and yet they conjure up something more mystical, magical and altogether more charming. Continue reading Mermaids Purse

Trees and silk, my two loves

Bringing an idea from the initial thought, to sketch to fruition takes its own sweet time. It has to be allowed to be born when the elements are ready to come together. My current creation is a fantastical hat made from sari silk ribbons, silk, cotton, felt and silk wools. Beads will be added too. There my be Celtic symbols too as this is most definitely an Irish hat. Continue reading Trees and silk, my two loves